A comprehensible (digital) world – together, for everyone.


Challenging technology

How devices and apps work, what they do and which intentions developers pursue: Everyone shall be able to critically scrutinise all of that – and everyone shall have the rights to do so!


Self-determined decisions

Whether the name, date of birth, or a photo should be passed on to some company, where data is stored, and what apps on a computer or smartphone are allowed to do – all of that shall be a free decision for everyone. Manufacturers, as well as schools and parents, must respect that!


Actively co-create

Those who own a device shall be allowed to do everything they want with it, instead of being limited by the vendor or third party. Technology is a tool for being creative. People of any age shall experience that hardware and software can be changed, invented and freely used by anyone!

Our projects

Logo Hack'n'Fun


  • We show that technology can be designed and made by everyone
  • Everyone can learn together and from each other
  • Trial and error, breaking things, and repairing things are the best learning methods
Logo schul-frei


  • Software in schools ahs to be open and comprehensible
  • Schools and parents must respect and strengthen the rights of students and staff
  • Thanks to free software, sustainable projects can be used for learning in class
Logo Indiedact


  • A self-chosen topic and a self-determined speed are motivator no. 1
  • Pedagogic personnel support in a sensitive way and account for the needs of learners
  • Digital platforms are tools for individual support of learners – not an end unto themselves

Upcoming events

Hack'n'Sun 2025 (Jugendzeltplatz Bonn)

Große Sommerfreizeit in Bonn-Bad Godesberg mit Coding-Workshops, Spiel und Spaß


Bonn (Jugendzeltplatz)



choose yourself
It's important to us that everyone interested can take part in our events. Therefore, we will inform you what our costs for your participation will be, and you can freely choose how much you pay yourself.

Mini-FrogLabs Grazer Linux-Tage 2025

Workshopprogramm für Kinder und Jugendliche bei den Grazer Linux-Tagen 2025





choose yourself
It's important to us that everyone interested can take part in our events. Therefore, we will inform you what our costs for your participation will be, and you can freely choose how much you pay yourself.

Mini-FrogLabs TÜBIX 2025

Workshopprogramm für Kinder und Jugendliche beim Tübinger Linux-Tag 2025





choose yourself
It's important to us that everyone interested can take part in our events. Therefore, we will inform you what our costs for your participation will be, and you can freely choose how much you pay yourself.

Teckids blog posts

Join our call to make FOSDEM Junior free

· 893 words · 5 min

Europe's biggest Free Software development conference, FOSDEM, will be held in Bruxelles. Join our call to help make its junior programme free, open, and self-determined for everyone!